Without dragging and being mushy, this is my book list I've read for December. Quite an achievement and unbelievable that I managed to read 14 books this month (plus 1 for November). But not really feel good since I've been busy with school and stuff which limiting my time to write the reviews. I do wrote some though; with quite amount of short reviews.

2) The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
3) The Lake House by James Patterson
4) Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
5) The Last Will of Moira Leahy by Therese Walsh
6) The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
7) Witch and Cursed by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie
8) Thinks and Things by Crystal Johnson
9) The Falling Away by T.L. Hines
10) The End of Marking Time by C.J. West
11) Scrawl by Mark Shulman
12) I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk
13) Out of the Blue by Belinda Jones
With the books listed, I managed to read 101 books in 2010!!! YEAY! I totally can't believe that and you can see all the books read in 2010 HERE. I'm grateful that my target to read 100 books (and plus 1) is achieved. I plan to read at least as much as this year or more for 2011. God willing.
I think of how many times to write the last post for this year. I've gained sweet memories, knowledge on books related and I am very grateful to have many fellow bloggers who have given words of enthusiasm, never ending supports and invaluable assistance no matter how big or small. You all really means so much for me and very much appreciated. Although I have to say without you guys, I'm not here where I'm standing now even though I'm standing nowhere (or maybe there's a little spot LOL) in this book blogosphere or at least in your heart.
I am very happy to say goodbye to the year of 2010. Love you guys!
There's no regrets, only sweet memories.
Goodbye 2010!