We have the same height, chubby cheeks, only that I have bigger bones. Many said we were like twins. It never bothers me and I think she’s not either. She has a very nice personality and wonderful sense of humor but she can also get a little depressed from time to time. Since both of us are Gemini which is known as The Twin, I also have the same personality like her. Well, kind of. When one of us is having a bad time, we comforted and listened to each other. We also hate people. Oh yes we did. Wait, I think we had the hate list. Of course, it was just a list that never been written and we even made fun of them behind their back, but only between us. Oh, before I forget, we were in all-girls school, so you know that girls can be mean sometimes, as ‘rock and stone may break our bones, but not the words’ will never works. Words always break our heart but we were cool about it, since we have each other! However, I’m not saying that our friendship is forever smooth. It rocks sometimes but we survived and forgot sooner than we thought. That is not the best part to remember but it did bring us closer even more.

**Andrea is her pen name. It’s not her real name and I want to keep it that way. She used to write short stories and I’m her no. 1 reader. She is an excellent writer. And we are going to meet this September and yes, we're going to gossip!