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giveaway: saving ceecee by beth offman

anyone but him by sheila o'flanagan

Author: Sheila O'Flanagan
Pages: 600
Rating: 3.5/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Andie and her sister Jin have never seen eye to eye. Andie doesn't envy Jin her marriage to a wealthy businessman, while Jin can't believe Andie's happy with her man-free existence (if only she knew!). But when their widowed mother Cora comes back from a Caribbean cruise with more than just a suntan, Andie and Jin are united in horror. Who is this gorgeous young man who's swept their mother off her feet? What the women really need is a friend to set the world to rights with - but can they be friends with each other?
My Review:
I never read anything from Sheila O'Flanagan before. I was reluctant to read the book and one of the reason is that it has 600 pages. I thought I will never finish it but I'm surprised that I managed to finish it.
Well, I was not determine to read it when I started reading it but after two pages, I thought, OK, this sounds interesting. The story was packed with family member's conflict where 2 girls being electrified by their mother's new hot hunk after spending holiday on a cruise.
The story is simple and being deliberated in as good as possible to attract my attention to read and understand their mother-complex-craziness. It's a bit predictable but it's fun to know if what I've been assuming is true or does it is actually a twist. What I like most is to know that each of the sister has their own dark side. They've been over protective towards their mother but they kind of never realize they have a really messed up life.
I have to say I'm quite OK with the story but when it is nearly to the ending, the storyline is some what kind of having an adrenaline rush. Andie and Jin's decisions' were a bit strange and I don't think it is a good closure for an ending. A better conclusion or an epilogue will be better I suppose.
I kept guessing how it will turn out and quite intrigued with the story. It's quite an OK read after all. I'll recommend to anyone who would love to a read a fast pace, funny and witty storyline.
p/s: I have a new layout now but stick with the back and white layout. How do you think? After Steph and Chelleyreads change to a new background, I'm quite 'affected' to change mine too =)
giveaway: contest-massive birthday extravaganza

Ok2..This is a post where I think I'm with a full effort to enter a contest. This time, Valerie @ I Should Be Writing is hosting a Massive Birthday Extravaganza at her blog. Visit here blog now and enter if you are interested (I think everyone does! *LOL*). Click HERE
And yes, the contest is open to all and ends June 10th, 2010. =)
Good Luck!
blog award #13: honest scrap

The award requires me to list 10 honest things about myself before pass it to 10 other bloggers. So, here we go;
1) I love to read mangas and watch animes. My favorite are Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Kekkaishi. I always read it online at OneManga.com or watch anime on DVD.
2) I love cooking but not everyone loves what I cooked. What can I say, I love experimenting with recipes and just thank God I never blows up the kitchen, yet.
3) I am the eldest in my family, but I'm the most spoiled person ever. Even my youngest sibling says that.
4) I am very obsessed with my weight. I am 161 cm with 57 kg (it's around 125 lbs) which means I'm quite chubby and short =(
5) I started dating when I'm 20 years old and luckily with my fiancee. We've been engaged nearly for 3 years now. Yeah, I know. For the record, I'm the one who always postpones our wedding. It's not that I'm not ready but I'm here and he's there (we are on long-distance relationship), and I'm quite busy with my research for my master's degree.
6) I hate people who smokes near me or when I'm around.
7) I love gardening!
8) I love cartoon and comedies.
9) I love sports. I love netball and basketball. But I never try swimming. I kind of having a trauma with water. I mean swimming pool.
10) I hope I can be a good taxonomist/biologist. *LOL*
OK. That's all about me. So, 10 other blogger that I would love to pass this to are;
1) Aly @ Fantasy4Eva
2) Cmash @ CMash Loves to Read
3) Bobbie @ 'Til We Read Again
4) Sara @ YA Vampire Books
5) Keysha and Mari @ Smart Girls Read
6) SB @ Not Too Serious I Hope
7) Danielle/The1stDaughter @ There's A Book
8) Sarah @ Sarah's Book Reviews
9) Pattepoilue @ One Book Away From Heaven
10) Fredamans @ Freda's Voice
Actually, I think everyone deserve this award. Because we are honest with our reviews, thoughts, ideas, what we like, what we don't like and all. Just because the award requires only 10, so I have to list 10. If it requires 100, I'll promise I'll list 100! Means you all deserve this award too. And I believe someday it will be pass on to you too =)
city of bones by cassandra clare

Author: Cassandra Clare
Pages: 485
Rating: 4.5/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder - much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It's hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else and when there is nothing - not even a smear of blood - to show that a boy has died. Or was he a boy?
This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It's also her first encounter with Jace, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know.
My Review:
After quite some time I've been tossing or put this book aside, I finally finished reading this book. Don't get me wrong, I've only done that because I don't have the other two of the series and even now, I still don't have my copies yet.
To put it simple, the story is somewhat amazing. It is full of family conflict, love triangle, supernatural abilities and it happens in bid cities like Manhattan and New York. Imagine there's actually werewolves, vampires, warlocks, witches, and etc mingles and mix around people. But this is not a story about those creatures of the night. This is story about a group of Shadowhunters which are more or less like a balancer of both good and evil. I'm pretty impressed of how this book is not all about about tall, pale and fangsome vampires or hot bod werewolf. *cough*.
The characters are built in strong personality with each of them have significant differences of interests. When I say that, it goes to the character of Jace, Clary, Simon, Alec and Isabella. Others are OK but I have this huge complex on Valentine and Hodge. They are not what I've expected by which all means, I want Valentine to be meaner and Hodge sudden change from good guy to bad guy is not really believable. It sounds a bit funny, really. All in all, they are pretty more or less as OK.
There are a lot of twist in the story that really intrigues me all the time when I read the book. Even with a little flick of flaw I've mentioned doesn't mean I don't like the book. I was totally absorbed by the book, lost in it and at a quarter end of the book, I had this huge shock that I suddenly threw the book on the floor!That is a super twist I've ever read! I know I know. But I've assumed Jace to be someone I want him to be and despite of that, he never will be what I want him to be to Clary. Urgh. I still have this grudge over Miss Clare. *LOL* OK, maybe she has better plan for that which I think it leaves me impatiently waiting for the next installment, as I am.
To whoever that never read this yet, you better be. It's an amazing and engrossing read that you think you need more than this.
Other Reviewers:
YA Vampire Books 4.5/5
Jennifer @ Reading With Tequila 4/5
Shy @ The Bibliophile's Journal 4.5/5
Morgan @ Smitten With Books
blog award #12: you've made a difference
This award is given to followers who have been with you since the beginning of your blog, who have continually stuck with you, and who are still there.
So, my wonderful friends that stuck with me since the beginning of my blog are (in no particular order);
1) Shy @ The Bibliophile's Journal
2) Steph @ StephTheBookworm
3) Juju @ Tales of Whimsy
4) Alice Teh @ Hello My Name is Alice
5) Carrie @ In The Hammock
6) Melody @ Melody's Reading Corner
7) Jennifer G. @ The Introverted Reader
8) Nina @ J'adorehappyendings
9) Hannah @ Changing My Definition of Life
10) Chelleyreads @Michelle and Leslie's Book Picks
Thank you so much for being dear friends and hope that you'll stick with me *LOL* I know there's suppose to be more people who are dear to me and support me. Thank you too, even if you are not in the list. All of you mean so much to me and real close to my heart =)
I have pretty slow week, but I'm working on it. Just hope that I'll manage to make things right. And hope you gals/guys doing well too.
Happy Monday and Happy Reading!
giveaway winner!!!

Without further ado, finally we have a winner for my birthday giveaway! Yeay!
I counted up the votes earlier, and there were only 5 entries in total. The lucky number drawn by random.org was #2.
boys that bites by mari mancusi

Author: Mari Mancusi
Pages: 175 (e-Book, pdf)
Rating: 4/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Technically Sunshine can't get killed-because she's immortal. Well, not quite yet. Due to the worst case of mistaken identity with her dark-side-loving twin sister at a Goth club called Club Fang, Magnus, a vampire hottie, went for Sunshine's innocent neck. Now if she doesn't reverse it in time, Magnus will be her blood mate forever and she's doomed to be a blood-gulping, pasty, daylight-hating vampire. That would seriously bite.
And now, after the unfortunate slaying of the vampire leader, Sunshine, her sister Rayne, and Magnus must find the one thing that can solve her problem: the Holy Grail. They wish it were a joke but it's not. It's absolutely necessary that Sunshine gets out of this in time, because somehow she scored the hottest prom date in her school, the mouth-watering Jake Wilder. So she just can't be a vampire for the prom-let alone the rest of eternity.
My Review:
This is not your typical boy bites-girl love story. Yeah, right. Honestly, it's funny and I'm enjoying my time reading and I have to admit that this book is page turner. The twin girls, Sunshine and Raiyne (Sun and Rain??) are very different but both of them have very interesting characters. Their personalities are nothing in common, Sunny is like other normal girl which is a bit down to earth while Rayne is more like a goth freak babe. She likes wearing black and goth makeups.
I love the twins although they have the differences, but kind of complete each other. It's cool to have another you, right? At some point, it's really predictable as I can assume what will happen next. By saying that, I mean in a positive way. Because it was told in a very interesting and exciting way. Two identical girls with nothing in common and interests. Even Magnus cannot distinguished them at all as he bit Sunny instead of Rayne!
I will not tell the detail, but since Sunny doesn't want to be a vampire as Rayne wishes, she needs Magnus to reverse the vampirism transformation in her. Of course, a lot happens but very adventurous for a 16 years old of a typical, normal, stereotype school girl. But I like all the characters, Sunny, Rayne and Magnus (and he's so hot!). I like the writing which is really simple but very strong lines, makes me hooked up and totally absorbed, and finish in one sitting. Wow.
I will recommend you to read this book, especially all vampire fans and young adults.
p/s: I wish I can have a "Bite Me" tshirt. *LOL*
Other Reviewers:
YA Vampire Books 4/5
Key @ Smart Girls Read 4/5
giveaway: sharing my birthday trough the love of reading

Hi everyone! I am so excited today because I have this cool idea to celebrate my birthday on May 22nd. My friends and my fiancee knows me very well that I am a very avid reader and a bookworm type. Sounds geeky and corny but I love being a bookworm. I want to share the love of reading with other bookworms too (if you think you ARE) by hosting a rather small contest but fun to win a book. Instead of me receiving presents (yes, my DEAR hubby-to-be will give me books of my choice too *LOL* for my birthday), I will give a book to one lucky winner of this giveaway! One winner will be picked randomly and will win a book of your choice worth RM25! Yeay! (I know it's not much, but it's FUN!)
2) A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolf
3) Where The Heart Leads by Stephanie Laurens
4) The Cupid Effect by Dorothy Koomson
5) Irresistible Forces by Danielle Steele
6) One For My Baby by Tony Parsons
7) Windmills of the God by Sidney Sheldon
8) Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult
9) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
What are you waiting for? Participate now =) And the giveaway ends May 22nd Midnight (LOCAL TIME). I don't know but *cough* if the giveaway gets huge participants, maybe *cough* I'll choose Two Winners.. *wink*
giveaway: an update!

1) Yeay! I'm excited! We have a chance to win an E-Reader of your choice (or a 100 dollar
Amazon GC) at The Bibliophilic Book Blog!! I don't have one and of course we want! Isn't it great?
There are a few of e-readers but I've been eying this beautiful Sony E-Reader like forever! And now here's a big chance for you and me to win one of your choice! Yeay!
Go on over to Bibliophilic Book Blog and enter to win! I hope you mention Darlyn @ Darlyn & Books for the referral. Thanks so much!
Plus, it's OPEN INTERNATIONALLY! Close July 15th, 2010.
2) Win The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell hosted by Leanna @ Daisy Chain Book Reviews
Good luck everyone!
beautiful creatures by kami garcia and margaret stohl

Author: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Pages: 563
Rating: 5/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she’s struggling to conceal her power and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps, and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.
Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town’s oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.
My Review:
Praise to Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl! I just couldn’t say how I love the book so much! I think there’s no exact word how to describe the flavors richness about the book. It’s like all sorts of flavors grind and mix together giving a most incredible result!And one of the best thing, this book is Ethan's perspective, like he is the narrator of the book. So, this time, it's not all about a guy.
Well, to think of it, honestly, I could not or actually find anything wrong or flaw with the story. I was deeply moved, absorbed and tantalized of how it gotten all over me. Yes, it is. I love of how it was written, the sentences keep me read it smoothly and I just couldn’t get myself to hold on for a second to stop.
At first, Ethan just likes any other normal boy. He hates the life he has and always wants to seek his freedom one day, or soon. Until the day that he never sees it’s coming to him. Until she’s coming. Ethan’s character is very strong and of course, Lena’s too. In fact, all the characters have been very strong and complete each role they are supposed to fill in. Ethan and Lena’s life seem to be intertwined for as long as the cursed has been casted 100 of years ago. They are meant to meet, to complete each other but that does not means they can be together. It’s typical like any other love stories.
However, I promise you the book serve us a lot more of twists, histories, flashbacks, magic, incantations, spells, songs, friendships, families and love. Everything about the book is perfect and I just love it the way it is. The idea of they could communicate through mind is rock and romantic. Their love is so divine and I must say quite naïve but sweet. Sweet, sweet, sweet. I love the little conversations they have in mind, how they support each other, how they never say love over and over again, how they just understand without saying things or feelings out loud. OK, let’s just say the book really takes my breath away. They are just so sweet. It makes me feel whatever they feel, the sweet love they have.
The complications or the obstacles they’re facing are so believable. Nothing seems to be like a just made up facts, histories, or even the flashbacks. And the end is good. I mean really good. I know there will be a sequel for the book, but it ends beautifully even though there’s not exactly a happy ending being told. The mystery is still there but it ends perfectly for a series.
I would recommend you over and over again that the book is worth reading. If you think Twilight is a must read, then Beautiful Creatures is a compulsory. You have too. You will never like Twilight like you love Beautiful Creatures. One thing for sure, Beautiful Creatures just grow all over me now.
Other Reviewers:
Tina @ TinasBookReviews 3/5
Kristi @ The Story Siren 5/5
Britlit @ Reading Nook 4.5/5
Alison @ My Boyfriend Lives In A Book 5/5
p/s: I’ve heard they were casting for a movie about the book. Is it true? If it is, I just can’t wait!
kiss me deadly by michele hauf

Author: Michele Hauf
Pages: 288
Rating: 3/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Death cocktail is what the vampires call a witch's blood. It's poisonous, a drop will destroy a vampire within minutes. Nikolaus Drake is the rare vampire who has survived his first taste. Now he's on the hunt for the witch who almost brought him to his demise, Ravin Crosse.
A witch who spends her nights hunting vampire tribes, Ravin has three obligations to fulfill to set her soul free. One of those obligations, crafting a love spell, twists her world upside down when Nikolaus draws the spell from her veins. Natural enemies rarely make the best bedfellows but is it possible their intentions are really, truly the same? Can Nikolaus's tribal loyalty survive if he surrenders to desires far darker than his own?
My Reviews:
Well, I never read a paranormal-romance before, but this book sounds like one. I downloaded it and a few other stories from Harlequin Website.
This review will be short I guess, because I think there's not so much to tell. The first 40 pages was a bit boring and I just keep reading because I can't stop just like that (it's a habit). Yes, it started with a scene, but not quite interesting. The explanation is too much that made somehow lost the interest a bit. The introduction of both characters, Ravin and Nikolaus are a bit shaky and out of nowhere. I think it's like not strongly constructed. No chemistry. Honestly, it's more like a cheesy romance. Sorry. But, there's no overrated scene in the story. So, I was very glad.
I think the story should be better. The storyline is quite interesting though, since it's a story of how a powerful vampire being bewitched or under a spell of a young witch. The relationship between both of them pretty corny and and quite conflicted with Satan or Himself. However, the last 100 pages are very captivating and I kind of got my mood back. The story becomes more fascinating and I finally get the feeling of how the bond or romance between them sparks, finally.
I don't know if I want to recommend it but you could try since you can download it free from the website I'd mentioned above. Maybe you will like it better and love to know you will think of it. Happy Reading!
first impressions by jude deveraux

Author: Jude Deveraux
Pages: 448
Rating: 4/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Eden Palmer knows how to make it on her own. The forty-something single mother has worked hard to raise her beloved daughter, but sooner or later a woman must come into her own, and that's what Eden tries to do when she moves to Arundel, North Carolina, to take ownership of Farrington Manor. Arriving in the South's prettiest small town, Eden quickly learns that looks can be deceiving when her move is met with delight in some quarters and jealousy in others. Pursued by two eligible bachelors, the rugged Jared McBride and Braddon Granville, small-town lawyer and town catch, Eden is flattered and more than a little suspicious. Juggling the attentions of two men is hard enough, but soon Eden's bid to start over plunges her in the middle of a mystery that threatens not just her reputation, but her very life. Can she use one man to save her from the other?
My Review:
I have not read any of Jude Deveraux before. However, it is an adorable book which I enjoyed reading it. The book is quite entertaining and very intriguing romance-mystery diversions. My first impression was this would be like any other typical contemporary novels. And yes, it is.
The setting is nice. I always love places with a good history which is so much to be told. South Carolina seems to be one. It fulls of this founding family members, old houses, 18th century garden landscape. Wow. I've learned so much about gardening in this book.
Eden's character is wonderful as a single mother. Her past was terrible as she's being raped when was 17 and her parents outcast her when found out she was pregnant. Twenty years later, still single, after her daughter got married with someone she hardly approved of, she's being willed and inherited a Farrington Manor by the late Mrs. Farrington. She accepted it without knowing she's somehow involved in an FBI matters or she's being one of their suspects.
She met a gorgeous lawyer, and being stucked with an arrogant FBI agent. I don't trust the lawyer at first and I thought the lawyer is the skank. But I was proved wrong. Both of them fell in love with the same woman, and all the mess happening makes the story quite entertaining. The mystery is not quite a strong essence to make it a big case for an FBI to involve. I don't know if that is considered as a big time/serious case. More like not really believable case for me.
All in all, I still think the book is good, enough to entertain me while waiting for a meeting. I would recommend it to any adult readers and anyone who likes a fast-paced romantic story =)
p/s: Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers and Mommies-to-be in the world!
the friday 56 #8

* Grab a book, closest.
* Turn to page 56, ind the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Story Time With Tonya and Friends.
Boys That Bite by Mari Mancusi

"Sit," Magnus suddenly instructs, almost as if he's read my mind.
OMG, he can't do that, can he? That would royally suck. Especially since I was just thinking about how sexy he is in that outfit.
Happy Friday Everybody!
twilight and philosophy: vampires, vegetarians, and the pursuit of immortality by william irwin + ebook giveaway

Title: Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality (pdf format)
Author: William Irwin
Pages: 273
Rating: 4/5
Synopsis (Goodreads):
The first look at the philosophy behind Stephenie Meyer's bestselling Twilight series Bella and Edward, and their family and friends, have faced countless dangers and philosophical dilemmas in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels. This book is the first to explore them, drawing on the wisdom of philosophical heavyweights to answer essential questions such as: What do the struggles of "vegetarian" vampires who control their biological urge for human blood say about free will? Are vampires morally absolved if they kill only animals and not people? From a feminist perspective, is Edward a romantic hero or is he just a stalker? Is Jacob "better" for Bella than Edward? As absorbing as the Meyer novels themselves, Twilight and Philosophy: Gives you a new perspective on Twilight characters, storylines, and themes. Helps you gain fresh insights into the Twilight novels and movies. Features an irresistible combination of vampires, romance, and philosophy Twilight and Philosophy is a must-have companion for every Twilight fan, whether you're new to the series or have followed it since the beginning.
My Review:
Awesome! I've never read any philosophy books before except some of Biodiversity/ Botanical Species and Taxonomic Philosophies. But a philosophy of a fiction book, never! A friend gave me her eBook copy to me last few weeks and I thought, this is a new feeling of peeling the secrets of Twilight Saga. The Saga will always be one of my favorite and well-kept on my bookshelf.
I know I am a twilight-die-hard-fan and I could list 100's of good reasons why we should read it. However, in certain circumstances, a lot of people hate or loath The Saga so much indeed. I've read their reviews some times before (sorry if you are one of this minority group) and a lot of perspectives or ideas came up of why they loath it so much. But I don't blame them. Bella could be so annoying and well, who will be not jealous when Edward adores her?
I read reviews on Goodreads and I can analyzed a review pattern of this book. Anyone who loath/hate/dislike Twilight gave better reviews than people who is a fan of Twilight like me. They even said it as rubbish or crap. However, as a fan, I love the philosophy highlighted in the book.
Trust me, it discussed a lot of fun facts of each characters, plots, conversations, thoughts, actions and the list could go on. Each chapters provide a new fact, or maybe a combination of made up and facts to make it sounds interesting and amusing. But does it worth? The philosophy's contents mesmerized me how he analyzed and peeled the actions or made up fact gave a big impact to make us believed the story is true and believable. He not only compares on significant facts, but also a lot of simple/little facts that you might missed while reading the twilight saga. The philosophy also discussed based on every book in the series.
I ’ m glad you can ’ t read my thoughts. It ’ s bad enough
that you eavesdrop on my sleep - talking.
— Bella, Twilight 9
The Giveaway:
As the movie of Eclipse and The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will be released in June, I think this book is a pre-welcome to celebrate both fascinating occasions.
Now you have a chance to win a copy of this eBook (pdf format) Twilight and Philosophy by William Irwin! It's OPEN, anyone can enter as long as you are my blog follower. Old and new is welcomed.
Leave a comment with your email address and answer of the question =)
Are you a fan of Twilight Saga?
If yes, who is your favourite secondary character (in any book of the series) and why?
If not, why?
The giveaway is open until May 31st, 2010. I don't know how many winners will win this. But, half of the commenters of this giveaway post will have a chance to win a copy. Yeay! So, the more the merrier and bigger chances! Any twits and links are appreciated even they wont give any extra entries. The winners will be picked randomly.
Winners will be announced on June 1st, 2010.
Good luck!
teaser teusdays: first impressions

" But she didn't say I was hired," Eden said. "Maybe-"
"Believe me, if you weren't hired, Alice Farrington would have told you. She likes you."
"Likes me?"
page 25.
What's your teaser teusdays?
marrow by tiffanie darke

Author: Tiffanie Darke
Pages: 428
Rating: 1.5/5
Synopsis (Amazon):
My Thought:
Sadly, the book didn't really hooked me up. I read it till the last page because I can't give up reading a book. The plot is shaky which the destination of the storyline is lost and I can't think of a good reason why the book is poorly comprehended.
Seamus is a jerk, yes. Genevieve wants a bit like revenge to Seamus but she can't because she keep falling to Seamus. However, when Genevieve thinks she can't love Seamus in the end, Darke makes a dreadful closure. I must say, it was out of no where, and suddenly Genevieve fall for someone else from Marrow and left Seamus just like that, by explaining like a quarter of page phone call conversation. Dreadful.
I don't think I would ever read it or recommend it. But, maybe you will like it better than I am. The only thing that I love the book, well, maybe the recipes before new chapter begins. Found myself some delicious recipes though =)
my monthly books recap: april 10

Here's the list of books I've read last month;
1) Frostbite by Richelle Mead
2) Not Another New Year's by Chrissie Ridgway
3) One Child by Torey Hayden
4) Succubus in The City by Nina Harper
5) Vampire Blood Trilogy by Darren Shan
6) Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
7) Country Brides by Debbie Macomber
So far I've read 35 books this year and pretty OK with it since I'm not really a fast reader these past few months. Let's say that I'm proud of myself at least a little. *LOL*
Even though I lacked of books read, I'm so happy that April is my lucky month to win some giveaways and contests. I've never win anything before because I never try. Somehow there was a few days that I'm so full of efforts to tweet and participate in a few contests and luckily I got my Lucky Clover in the end. Thanks for the hosts and I'm so delighted. It feels awesome! I think each of you had at least once of winning in contest and giveaways right? How do you feel when you received of email telling you that you just won? Woo-Hoo! I'm telling you mine, I was dancing and rapping. Haha.
What about you? How was your April guys? Better? I will be glad to know about your monthly wrap-up. Leave a link or comment and I'll visit you too. I'm looking of what books to read soon. Maybe you will help me choose when I read your list.
Hopefully that May will be great! Maybe because this month is my birthday month! Woo-hoo!
Happy Reading everybody!
may giveaways and contest on blogsphere
1) May Giveaway @ Alaine -Queen of Happy Ending

Pick one of these books to win! Ends May 31st, 2010.
2) 165 Followers Giveaway hosted by Jillian @ Random Ramblings

Win up to $20 or $30 if her blog achieve 200 followers before the contest end!
Copies of Percy Jackson and The Olympian
1) The Lightning Thief
2) Se2 of Monsters
3) The Titan's Curse
Heads up to her blog now!
(Ends May 24th, 2010)
3) 50 Followers Giveaway hosted Twimom @ That's What I'm Talking About

Ends May 16th, 2010

Ends May 10th, 2010