blog awards #3: blogger buddie

Written by Darlyn At Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Isn't this award looks so sweet..? I like it so much and loads of thank yous goes to Melissa! This award is of course as sweet as her.. I'm so grateful and overwhelmed for this award.. I know my life is turning up and down this couple of weeks which sometime really depressing. But of course, everyday when I read other fellow bloggers and know something new, new books and participating in some weekly events, they really give me some ease antidotes so that I can calm myself and forget what was the past..and keep surfing, killing some time when suddenly i realize, i feel better then.. =)

Wow, now you know that how important and useful this blogging thing can be..No need psychiatrist or psychologist to do the work =) and of course, there are buddies who being so sweet, nice and always leave comments at my post, and really supportive that i would like to pass on this award to everyone who follows my blog and who always give that sweet comments..I can't think of a few buddies to give this award because everyone seems to be so sweet to me. You all are good buddies to me and mean a lot when I can turn myself away from reality..All of you deserve this award..Thank you.. =)


  1. Congratulations, Darlyn! You totally deserve this award, and I'm so glad it brightened your day! :)

  2. Thank you Melissa! I'm totally honored and happy!

  3. congratez!!! this blog has become popular...yeah!!! well done darlyn!!

  4. Haha! No-lah cj..everyone suppose to share and spread the love *wink2* and being supportive to each other.that's the important part.. =)

  5. nghehehe.....don't be shy....
    your blog is great!! though i'm not really like your templates...but the books u listed in this blog is enough for me to keep on coming here darlyn!!! u deserve the award!! yeah...

  6. Yeah Darlyn! Congratulations! You are a great blogging buddie, so this is a great award for you!

  7. Congrats on your award! Love that button!

  8. @ cj= haha..i know i changes the layout too often because each of it seems to give me unexceptional problem..any suggestion..?

    @ Juju = thank so much..glad you like it =)

    @ Steph = You are one great buddie to me too Steph *hugs2*

    @ Melody = Congrats to you to you too.. I think Melissa is so sweet to share us her award.. =P

  9. Congratulations on your award! This is a sweet button :D


Thanks for the comments! XOXO ;p


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