You probably grew up with paper books if you’re reading this blog. If you are like me, you probably get nostalgic over the smell of a book, or remember the bright colors on the pages of your first books and the great feeling of sitting on a lap while someone read to you.
But nearly one in 10 books sold is now a digital book, and the revolution is gathering speed. I’d dabbled in ebooks six or seven years ago, and like most people, I didn’t want to sit at a computer and read a book. I wasn’t keeping up with technology, and the Kindle has now met readers and readers at a place called “affordable convenience.”
When I experimented by putting out The Red Church in January, it was almost an act of desperation. The book had been out of print for five years, even though it had sold very well, and my last book on the shelves was in 2007. The publishing industry had changed so much that I wasn’t sure my books would work there any more, and even if I did, the wait would mean it would probably be 2012 before I had another book out.
The Red Church immediately found a new audience and that was very satisfying—not just a chance to get some sales and make income, but a chance to share that story and those ideas with readers. And that is the biggest advantage of the digital age: all work can be available instantly, all over the world, at all times. I was so pleased with the reaction and the ability to connect with readers again that I put out two original paranormal thrillers: Drummer Boy and Speed Dating with the Dead, as well as the suspense thriller The Skull Ring and three story collections. I love it.
More than anything, I love the instant new community of readers and writers I’ve found through ebooks and primarily the Kindle. Readers can email me in the middle of the book and are not just shaping the commercial landscape, they are helping create the content by sharing what they like and don’t like.

With my wife at a comic convention.
She's only read one of my books but I love her anyway.
She's only read one of my books but I love her anyway.
In fact, I am working on a new idea that will put readers right into the book if they want. And readers also benefit from the digital age because they have more power over pricing than ever before, and their purchases will directly influence the market. I’ve heard wonderful stories about the ability to change text sizes that has helped people with vision impairment rediscover books, and teachers taking Kindles into classrooms. I am embarking on a Kindle giveaway tour from September through November, because the device has launched Act II of my career. You can learn details here.
You don’t have to fear change—digital books are putting the future in your hands.
Scott Nicholson is an author of 12 novels, four story collections, six screenplays, and four comics series. He’s also a freelance writer and journalist in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
You can visit his web site HERE
Thanks so much Scott for your time at Darlyn & Books! I really agree with him. An E-Reader would probably change our reading, in a good way. I will need to get one though. =)
Great interview! I love his writing :)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview!! People shouldn't fear change! Having my Kindle has opened me up to experiencing many different kinds of books. There have been times that I have found an author's book free for download and I enjoy it so much I end up buying the entire series!
ReplyDelete@ Melissa: Thanks! I will read his other books too and it will not stop there.
ReplyDelete@ Kelsey: I am so jealous! I am so down when Amazon does not ship Kindle to Malaysia. While I found another version of E-reader here, it way too expensive!*sigh*
Great interview! I also agree that ereaders actually have a positive impact on the reading community. It just makes books more accessible at all times. I have actually bought more since getting mine than before :)
ReplyDeletethose books look good! great post. i think i'll check these ones out :D
ReplyDeleteOoo the Blue Ridge mountains. Such a magical place. Great post.
ReplyDeleteCool post! At first, I would think that an e-reader would make reading feel artificial. But I've never used one so I don't want to make assumptions! They are cute, I have to say. I'd love to give one a try!
ReplyDeleteI am still out of date. No ereader for me, just my phone and comp :)
ReplyDeleteHi Darlyn! =b
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the kind comments, and thanks, Darlyn, for hosting. I didn't think the revolution would hit this fast but then I said I'd never carry a cell phone either!
ReplyDeleteI hope you come visit the mountains in my books!
@ Scott: Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteWonderful guest post. I have still not gone digital with my reading although I do have an iPad and it is just a matter of time I guess. But I can see that this is a great way to breathe new life into books that are moved over for newer version on a book store shelf. Thanks for bringing Nicholsons's thoughts to your blog.
ReplyDeleteHere comes another guest post. You should get a kick out of this one :) Could be interesting for readers if you added your own comments, or even wrote a post from the other side of the conversation.”
ReplyDeleteLike you, I've also dreamt of having my own e-reader. I'm not entirely sure if it is a necessity or the fact that I'm a gadget-maniac totally kick in. But I really want it! Seriously hoping that Kindle (or better yet, Nook!) will be available in our country. It is sad when we're always being left behind :((
ReplyDeleteNice to meet Scott though I'm sorry nothing will persuade me of the merits of going digital.
ReplyDeletePetty, that's what is so great--the reader will have more choices than ever before. It's not an "us against them" the way some analysts try to pitch it. It's just another way to experience a story. If it helps more people try more different types of books, everybody wins!
ReplyDeleteScott Nicholson
Great interview. I am not familiar with this author, though these titles sound great. I have an ereader, but don't often use it.
ReplyDeletei have never heard of this author but your review and now his interview are awesome! i'm definitely checking him out...and his picture with his wife is too cute...i can't believe she's only read ONE book! that's too sad :-(
ReplyDeleteI was just downloading some books for my Kindle today and went to check out Scott Nicholson a moment ago. I can't wait for his Kindle tour. I like that picture and can't help but chuckle at this statement about his wife having read only one of his books. :D