Today I would like to welcome Author Linda Weaver Clarke once again at
Darlyn & Books. This interview is to celebrate the release of the newest book in
The Adventures of John and Julia Evans: Mayan Intrigue.D: You started writing with Historical Romance Fiction and now turned to Mystery/Suspense fiction called The Adventures of John and Julia Evans. How did you come up with the idea for this series?LWC: The ancient American Indians, their way of life, and the subject of artifact theft have fascinated me a great deal. For example, with Anasazi Intrigue, I was interested in the Anasazi Indians right here in my valley. Who were they, where did they come from, how did they live? Many people wonder why they disappeared, leaving behind their belongings and valuables. Where did they go and why? There is much speculation about what might have happened. Some archaeologists believe that discord and tribal violence caused abandonment of the villages.
In my research, I found that archaeological thievery is becoming more and more of a problem every year. Did you know that an ancient funeral pit could be sold for $60,000 on the black market? Not to mention all the pottery, baskets, and pendants found by looters. Looting is only second to selling illegal drugs.
Did you know that archaeological theft has gone corporate, like any legal business? An article in the Las Vegas Newspaper was about a couple
men who were loading some artifacts in the trunk of their car. A ranger saw what they were doing and questioned them. He didn’t realize he had accidentally stumbled upon the largest operation around. They recovered more than 11,100 relics. It’s a very intriguing subject and I enjoyed learning so much in my research.
D: In this new series, you write about the adventures of John and Julia. What made you decide to write about a married couple as the main characters?
LWC: When I was young, one of my favorite television shows was
Hart to Hart, which featured a married couple investigating and solving crimes. The couple was madly in love–you laughed at the humor and sighed at the romance. I wanted to create something similar, with good old-fashioned values along with a little suspense and adventure. In this series Julia is a reporter for a daily newspaper and John is a professional knife maker. Just like Hart to Hart, because of Julia’s curiosity she gets herself into a bunch of trouble. Before long, she finds herself and her husband up to their necks in danger and running for their lives.
D: Mayan Intrigue really fascinates me as it's being mixed with history and artifacts. Was there a lot of research when you were writing it?LWC: Yes. I learned so much about the Mayan culture, their beliefs and traditions. They were such an amazing people. While researching Mayan Intrigue, my eyes were opened to the problems they have in southern Mexico. When an ancient ruin is discovered, it doesn’t take long for thieves to take it apart. The reason why is because the Mayas used astrological alignments when planning their city. Looters have learned the layout of the Mayan cities so they know where to dig. With this knowledge, they can loot a sacred temple in a few days. While writing Mayan Intrigue, I found that artifact theft in Mexico has been taken over by drug dealers from Columbia. In other words, since organized crime has taken over, there is also an increase of violence. I ask myself, can anything be done to save Ancient American history? Yes. If no one bought the artifacts, that would put a damper on artifact theft.
D: The series is getting more adventurous and I don't think it will stop there. How many books are planned for this series?LWC: I have four books in this series: Anasazi Intrigue, Mayan Intrigue, Montezuma Intrigue, and Desert Intrigue.
D: I've realized that each book in the series sets in a different place. Would you tell us where the setting will take place next and a little hint about the book perhaps?LWC: Mayan Intrigue takes place in southern Mexico. The discovery of a priceless artifact puts Julia’s life in great danger! From valuable artifacts to shady businessmen, the Yucatan Peninsula becomes a dangerous vacation spot for John and Julia Evans. When Julia accidentally comes upon a couple suspicious men exchanging an item, she quickly turns and leaves but it is too late. Check out the book trailer for Mayan Intrigue at
YouTube and leave a comment. This gives you the feel of what it’s about.
D: If you could portray John and Julia, who will be your choice of actor and actress and why?LWC: The perfect couple would have been
Robert Wagner and
Stephanie Powers from
Hart to Hart. But as for today’s actors, I don’t know whom to choose. That’s very hard.
D: Oh my! Hart to Hart is created by Sidney Sheldon and he is like my all time favorite author! Even though I never watch it. Okay, so last but not least, is there anything else you want to share with the readers?LWC: It’s very important to teach children the joy of reading because it works on their creativity. Writing helps to express one’s innermost feelings. Many times, writing can be a healing process. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, if children learn to write, they can learn to express themselves much better. In fact, one library asked me to teach a group of troubled teens, ones who had problems. These kids were so interested and interacted with me so well. It was a wonderful experience.
For those interested in learning more, please visit my official website. Right now I’m having a book give away for Mayan Intrigue beginning August 30 to September 6 at my blog.Thanks for the fun interview, Darlyn.
About the author
Linda Weaver Clarke travels throughout the United States, teaching a “Family Legacy Workshop” at libraries, encouraging others to write their family history and autobiography. Clarke is the author of the historical romance series, “
A Family Saga in Bear Lake, Idaho” and a new mystery series, “
The Adventures of John and Julia Evans.”
She also welcome readers to her blog and website at;
Linda Weaver Clarke
Blog and her
Official Website
Thanks so much to you too Linda. I have to say I'm agreed when she said we have to teach children the joy of reading. Even I started reading because my mom bought so many English books when I was a kid. Even though she don't really know English.
Thanks again Linda! It is fun to have an interview with you! Guys, don't forget to enter her celebration giveaway. Click HERE to enter. Open to US and Canada.