just browsing to other book's bloggers and found out Kristen's post about new year resolutions..i guess i don't have many since last year resolutions i didn't really manage to achieve..i guess being a postgraduate student really makes me stuck up with piles of assignments, lab works, reading journals and trying to write scientific papers..
however, i think i still have a little gateaway to escape from things like that once in a while..especially after setting dArLyN&bOoKs blog last december..
so, without babbling more i think there are a few resolutions that i want to accomplish especially for this 2010;
1) i want to spend really a quality time for dArLyN&bOoks adn other books bloggers, not linger to it for so long, but spend at least an hour or two a day to post entry, comments, reply comments, read blogs etc.. spending too much will make me LOST coz i'm easily attached and those blogs are awesome!
2) finish all the challenges i've been signed up! i have five challenges and... yikes!
3) read books, read books and READ BOOKS!
4) make friends with other book's bloggers.. i love to hear/read from the one i already followed and i think there are so many other book bloggers i need to link with..and they share so much ideas, book reviews, and CHALLENGES!
5) either loose weight or gain no more weight. i'm 59kgs with 162 cm, quite chubby and hate that..restrict myself on food, control eating and have a proper diet..
6) plan a schedule to organize my 'work space' (i'm in the 2nd year, and hoping to finish my study THIS year!)
7) start planning on my wedding, i don't have a date yet but thinking of my fiancee really makes me stress! (my fault actually..)
8) last but not least,t i want to be a better person, an obedient daughter, a NICE sister, a loyal wife-to-be, and A+++ list student.. =p
i think that's all..can't think much of it anyway..and i fear that some of resolutions in the list can't be achieved, i'm easily distracted..because there are so much things i want to do..obviously LOL!2) finish all the challenges i've been signed up! i have five challenges and... yikes!
3) read books, read books and READ BOOKS!
4) make friends with other book's bloggers.. i love to hear/read from the one i already followed and i think there are so many other book bloggers i need to link with..and they share so much ideas, book reviews, and CHALLENGES!
5) either loose weight or gain no more weight. i'm 59kgs with 162 cm, quite chubby and hate that..restrict myself on food, control eating and have a proper diet..
6) plan a schedule to organize my 'work space' (i'm in the 2nd year, and hoping to finish my study THIS year!)
7) start planning on my wedding, i don't have a date yet but thinking of my fiancee really makes me stress! (my fault actually..)
8) last but not least,t i want to be a better person, an obedient daughter, a NICE sister, a loyal wife-to-be, and A+++ list student.. =p