Title: The Rebel Princess
Author: Anne M. Strick
Rating: 3.5/5
An insider's first-ever behind-the-scenes scoop on how movies are REALLY made: gritty, grinding, tunnel-vision labor, back-stage intrigue, explosive dramas, parties, and relationships that last a night or a lifetime. Larger-than-life characters who live life with fervor, while contending with their own inner demons and one another, all in the pressure cooker of a location shoot in the exotic world of Mexico. This romp of a story follows the making of a movie from pre-production through wrap. A hotly passionate love story and a murder elevate the stakes.
My Review
I could not remember if I have read any kind of movie star character like in this one. Maybe I have, but maybe not that kind that worth to be remembered. But this book, is very light, edgy and romantic, in so many ways (then I realised this is so NOT for minors!). At first, I thought this movie star stuff might as well filled with made up, unbelievable storyline and all. However, I find the book very amusing and like I said, very light. It is also maybe because the author is someone that is very familiar with Hollywood, things that you experienced will not same as you imagine it. The book as I would describe, is very well detailed and informative about making movies and yes, Hollywood. Almost believable.
The character, Devina, as I would imagine her, would be a sexy woman and beautiful, not to forget rebellious. The combintaion of the storyline with the characters are great. I would enjoy a great romance with not too complex situations. An exotic place like Mexico is definitely a wonderful, perfect choice. The author really know how to lure readers to be buried with the story. If you feeling like you need something light, time to relax, and want to feel love, then pick up this book. You might finish this in one sitting.
Book Excerpt
Last night she’d had the dream again. The dream she hated and loved. She smelled the sea brine and the sharp pines that rose beyond the dunes, saw the tide-pool anemones open and close about their viscous centers. She felt the heat move from her soles up through her calves to her thighs and pelvis and the small of her back from the sun baked sand; felt the melting begin. Her nipples tightened. She heard the waves slide and suck, in and out, insinuating, hypnotic. And as shockingly as always the green-eyed, gypsy-faced stranger burst – jogging, grinning with knowing primal energy – through the tall grass at the top of the rise. And as always, that energy struck her like a blow: sudden, deep, forever. Jason. Jason Archer. Davena, waking slowly in the huge four poster, ran her hand through her curtain of sun-tipped chestnut hair in irritation. Merde. It was the Dom Perignon. Whenever she’d drunk too much, as she had the evening before, she had the damn dream. And awoke in heat – for a man from whom she’d been divorced six years. And despite having been thoroughly laid by Bram last night. Humiliating. She rolled over and buried her head beneath the pillow, hiding from the familiar soul-pain, denying it - – and then with a shake of her disheveled mane sat abruptly up. The clock next to her bed read six am – the alarm, set for five-thirty, had somehow failed. Or, webbed in her dream, she’d slept through it.
About the Author

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from Enchanted Book Promotions as part of the tour. These are my honest review and receiving a copy in no way will ever reflected my review.